With the aid of a spirit level, place the spindle vertically against the handrail and baserail (a). Judging the vertical position of the spindle by eye should be sufficient (top and bottom square sections of spindle equal in length). Using a pencil, gently scribe a mark where the handrail and baserail meet the spindle (b). Measure the depth of the handrail slot, and mark the cutting line above by this amount (c). Measure the depth of the baserail slot and mark the bottom line down by this amount.
(Measure the slots perpendicular to the rails, and the spindle perpendicular to the original marked line.) Transfer the line all the way around with the aid of a square (d). Cut the spindle to length.
There’s no harm in double-checking when it comes to measuring your staircase parts. This makes the future steps a whole lot easier and ensures they’ll fit perfectly when glueing them in place.

Once you are happy with the length of the spindle, use it as a template and mark and cut the spindle to length. Check how this spindle fits before continuing to mark and cut all the other spindles. Leave the fitting of the “template” spindle until last.
Again, there’s no harm in checking your measurements. Although you have an accurate “template” of what you need, giving each spindle a quick quality check ensures they’ll fit perfectly when it comes to the installation.

The spindles are spaced using fillets. These fillets are supplied in one length with the rails and will require cutting to the correct length.
The fillets, with the exception of the first and last, should be cut to the same length and mitred at one end, to ensure maximum accuracy.
The Wonkee Donkee calculator will give you all the dimensions you need, including the fillet length and the number of spindles, speeding up the whole process.
If you’re not using the calculator, a general rule of thumb is two spindles per tread, less one for each newel fitted partly on a step. Remember that a 100mm diameter sphere must NOT be able to pass through any gap. Actual spacing will be determined by the stair pitch and string length.

Fix the first fillets into place on the baserail and handrail. These are likely to be different from the other fillets. Place the spindle tight up against these and check that the spindle is vertical. Adjust the fillets as necessary. Once everything is correct, pin the fillets into place. Apply a little adhesive to the ends of the spindle and fix with a pin into the handrail groove. The head of the pin should be placed so that it will be covered by the fillet. Repeat until all spindles and fillets have been secured in place. The first and last fillets may need altering to fit over any brackets used in fitting the handrail to the newel.

Once all the spindles are in place, apply adhesive to the newel cap spigot and secure it to the top of the newel. Gently tap if required to prevent them from moving around too much.
Apply adhesive to all cover caps and fix them into place, and leave to set.

Finally, check all fittings, covers and spindle positions, etc.
Giving your handy work one last once over guarantees all parts are secure. Make sure all parts are where they need to be and securely in place.
It’s advised you don’t touch the fittings during the setting period. If they get knocked, they’re unlikely to stand straight, meaning all your hard work would have gone to waste. Leave the glue to dry for as long as you can before getting too close to them.

Aftercare is arguably the most important step when
fitting any staircase. Using appropriate products and care
means your staircase will look as good as new for years to
come. When your spindles are securely attached,
simply wipe them down with a damp cloth and enjoy!

Get in touch with Wonkee Donkee today
For more information on our staircase parts, get in touch with the team here at Wonkee Donkee. Call us between 9am and 5pm (Monday-Friday) on 01938 557733 or email your questions to info@wonkeedonkee.co.uk for a speedy response from one of our experts.