Richard Burbidge Trademark White Oak Baserail 2400/32mm [WOBR2400/32]

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WOBR2400/32 Richard Burbidge Trademark White Oak Baserail 2400/32mm [WOBR2400/32]

Unfinished White Oak
The Trademark collection from Richard Burbidge is versatile and functional and can be adapted to suit a range of interiors.
This 2400mm white oak baserail is unfinished ready for onsite finishing.
Featuring a 32mm groove ready to accept 32x32mm spindles of your choosing. Fillet strips are supplied accordingly.
Richard Burbidge - WOBR2400/32
  • Trademark White Oak Baserail
  • 2400x62x28mm
  • 32mm groove
  • Unfinished White Oak
  • 24 hour delivery dependent on stock (working days only)
£55.91 Excl. VAT £67.09 Incl. VAT