Step 35 - Universal stud bracket fixing
The handrail may be fixed using the universal stud bracket method. This entails fixing the bracket to the handrail, drilling a hole in the newel for the stud and recessing for the nut and bracket.
To use this system, insert the spigot part of the newels into the newel bases but do not fix just yet. Place the handrail between the newel posts, set to the correct height. Use a clamp and timber offcuts to achieve this.
Step 36 – Attach handrail universal brackets
Place the handrail onto your blocks so that the top of the handrail is at least 900mm from the pitch line and the same height at both ends. Make vertical marks at each end of the handrail following the inside face of the newel posts.
Continue the mark all the way around the handrail using a square and cut with a fine toothed handsaw.
Step 37 - Attach universal brackets
Assemble the two-part bracket and place onto the ends of the handrail. Mark the three fixing hole positions. Remove bracket and drill pilot holes where marked using a 2.8mm drill bit. Attach the universal bracket to each end of the handrail using No.6 x 20mm screws.
Step 38 - Prepare bottom newel
The newels will need to be drilled and rebated to accept the brackets. Be aware that the hole and rebate position will differ depending on the newel location.
Mark the centreline vertically down the handrail mating face, then measure down from the top 117mm and using a square, mark a horizontal line. Continue this line around to the opposite side using a square.
Mark a centre line vertically down the opposite face of the newel.
Step 39 - Continue marking
Where the marks cross, counterbore both sides to a depth of 26mm using a sharp spade bit 22mm diameter.
Drill a hole 8mm diameter about half way through, then turn over and drill through from the opposite side to meet.
Step 40 - Attach brackets
Mark two vertical parallel lines 13mm either side of the centreline on the handrail face.
Mark a horizontal line 15mm below the centreline, and a second line 34mm above that forming a rectangle.
Using a sharp chisel, cut out a rebate following these lines to a depth of between 2mm and 3mm. Repeat drilling and rebating on the opposite side of the newel.
On the handrail side, chisel out clearance at the bottom half of the rectangle sufficient to accept the bottom end of the bracket.
Step 41 - Prepare top newel
The top newel will also need to be drilled and rebated to accept the bracket. The position of the holes will be different to the bottom newel you’ve just completed.
Mark the vertical centreline as before, then measure down from the top of the newel 115mm (or 94mm for a 160mm newel) and using a square, mark the horizontal line. Continue this line around to the opposite side using the square. Mark the centreline vertically down the opposite face of the newel. Once you have marked the centres, drill, counterbore and rebate as for the bottom newel.
Step 42 - Position handrail for marking
Apply a small amount of a proprietary PU adhesive (not Fast Grab) to the end faces of the handrail.
Remove the bottom newel and position the threaded stud part of the universal bracket into and through the top newel and finger tighten the nut and washer.
Insert the lower bracket stud into the now loose newel and re-insert the newel into the base. Assemble the nut and washer again but only finger tight.
Step 43 - Secure newels
With the handrail fitted to the newels, lift the newel/handrail assembly out of the newel bases. Ensure that both the hole and spigots are clean and free from saw dust.
Apply a large bead of a proprietary Fast Grab PU adhesive to the inside
circumference of the newel base and a small bead to the underside
flat surface at the base of the newel (not spigot) as shown.
Note: Do not use any other type of adhesive.
Step 44 - Secure handrail
Fully tighten the nut in the top and bottom newels using a socket & wrench until the shoulders on the handrail are flush against the newel faces. Clean off excess adhesive.